
Revised: Jun./20th/2004


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letter-spacing: 1em


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The quick brown fox jump


$B%W%m%Q%F%#(B 'text-transform' $B$O!"G$0U$NMWAG$K;XDj2DG=$G$9!#%;%l%/%?$K%^%C%A$7$?BP>]$N%F%-%9%H$N!"BgJ8;z2=$r;XDj$7$^$9!#(B

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'word-spacing' $B$O;RMWAG$K7Q>5$5$l$^$9!#%G%U%)%k%H$NCM$O!"(Bnone $B$G$9!#(Binherit $B$O!"?FMWAG$NCM$rL@<(E*$K7Q>5$9$k;XDj$G$9!#Ii$NCM$,5v$5$l$^$9!#(B

none Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell.
capitalize Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell.
uppercase Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell.
lowercase Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell.


$B%W%m%Q%F%#(B 'white-space' $B$O!"%V%m%C%/%l%Y%kMWAG$K;XDj2DG=$G$9!#%;%l%/%?$K%^%C%A$7$?BP>]$N!"6uGrN`J8;z$N

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'white-space' $B$NNc!'(B

blockquote { white-space: nowrap }

'white-space: nowrap' $B$NI=<(Nc!'(B


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task,
         Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well <br />
   Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask 
              The tale he loves to tell. <br />

   Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, 
        Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright, <br />
   Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, 
              Empty of all delight!


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well
Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell.
Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright,
Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, Empty of all delight!

'white-space: pre' $B$NI=<(Nc(B


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task,
         Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well
   Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask 
              The tale he loves to tell.

   Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, 
        Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright,
   Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, 
              Empty of all delight!


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell. Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright, Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, Empty of all delight!

'white-space: normal' $B$NI=<(Nc(B


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task,
         Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well
   Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask 
              The tale he loves to tell.

   Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, 
        Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright,
   Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, 
              Empty of all delight!


Girt with a boyish garb for boyish task, Eager she wields her spade: yet loves as well Rest on a friendly knee, intent to ask The tale he loves to tell. Rude spirits of the seething outer strife, Unmeet to read her pure and simple spright, Deem, if you list, such hours a waste of life, Empty of all delight!

Copyright © 2004 SUGAI, Manabu. All rights reserved.
2004-06-20 published.
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